Donate to The Junction

The Junction offers all of its services free of charge, we therefore rely on donations from kind supporters in order to continue our work.

Donate via Text – Text ‘JUNC00 £5‘ to 70070
To make a one off donation you can either use the text code (replacing the £5 with whatever you would like to give).

Donate via Local Giving
Donate using your Debit Card via our LocalGiving Page.

Donate via Cheque
You can send us a cheque made payable to ‘HOPE Trust Cardiff‘ with a note requesting the funds to go towards the work of The Junction. If you are a tax payer, please contact us to request a gift aid form, which will allow your gift to go even further!

Monthly Giving
If you would like to give monthly to the work of The Junction, please contact us and request a standing order form or we can send you bank details, so that you can set it up online.

Many thanks for supporting our work!